Digital Fingerprinting

Digital Fingerprinting

You're searching for a nearby digital fingerprinting facility because you require an RCMP-issued criminal record certificate. Our fast and incredibly confidential streamlined fingerprinting process.

You must provide your fingerprints to the CCRTIS in order to have a criminal record check certificate issued against your information. The RCMP's division for national criminal records, CCRTIS, serves as the only source for criminal record checks and screening services for both public and governmental usage.

Despite the fact that it may seem daunting, we have you covered. Our expertly qualified fingerprinting crew has a great deal of experience taking your fingerprints and finishing your application in about 10 minutes. Come see us at 1185 Victoria Park Avenue in Scarborough if you like.

Trusted By Many As A Reliable Fingerprinting Service in Toronto!

In the Greater Toronto Area, Canadian Immigration and Legal Services is a reputable name for certified background checks and document verification. Because of its dependability, rapid turnaround, and first-rate customer service, our business and individual clients favor our digital fingerprinting service.

The personnel at Canadian Immigration & Legal Services is also trained to put your comfort first while you are there, allowing you to submit your application to the RCMP and have your fingerprints taken in a matter of minutes.
We take pleasure in being one of the few Canadian fingerprinting businesses with RCMP accreditation that can submit your fingerprints to them the same day.

Should I Book a Digital Fingerprinting Service or Use an Ink and roll Card?

If you are inside Canada, you will need to have your fingerprints digitally recorded. For anyone applying for a criminal record check outside of Canada, the rolled ink fingerprinting option is available. To ensure that your application is handled by the RCMP as quickly as possible, we use a high-definition scanner. To speed up the procedure, our highly qualified personnel will adhere to instructions from the RCMP.
Because we are a Ontario, Toronto-based business with RCMP accreditation, we can take your fingerprints in about 10 minutes, saving you both time and money. Your application will be attached after your fingerprint impressions are transferred to a c216c form.

How Does It Work?

At Canadian Immigration and Legal Services Inc., we keep the fingerprinting time under 10 minutes. We are accredited by the RCMP to provide digital fingerprinting services for all non-criminal purposes.


You may need to visit a fingerprinting service near you for:

  • Employment

  • Permanent Residency (Landing Immigrant Status)

  • Waiver for Work

  • Canadian Citizenship

  • Education or Travel Abroad

  • Vulnerable Sector Check

  • Criminal Record Suspension

  • International Fingerprinting Requests

  • Health Canada

  • Adoption

  • Canadian Citizenship

  • Privacy Act Requests

  • Volunteer Work


Please bring two legal IDs, one of which must be a picture ID issued by the government.
The RCMP has provided the list of approved IDs below:

  • Certificate of Indian STATUS

  • Military Family ID Card (MFID)

  • Record of Landing for Citizenship Applicant

  • Certificate of Live Birth

  • Nexus Card

  • ID Card

  • Permanent Resident Card

  • Passport

  • Driver’s License

  • Birth Certificate

  • Canadian Citizenship Card

  • Immigration documents i.e. work or study permits


You will never be subject to any additional costs from us. We support giving our clients access to inexpensive solutions and total transparency. The list of our service fees is provided below in full.

Digital Fingerprints$44 + HST
Ink & Roll Fingerprints$44 + HST
RCMP Fees (if applied)$25
C-216-C Fingerprinting form$44 + HST
FD- 258$44 + HST
International Fingerprinting
$79 + HST


2942 Danforth Avenue, Toronto
Ontario M4C 1M5, Canada


Upon completing all the preceding steps, the final report encompassing the entire process and outcomes will be delivered.

Book Your Free Assessment